The Fading Glory of our Ponds

Stop for a moment and sigh at the peaceful ambiance realized by going for a walk by the waterway, or unwinding from the busy town life. Imagine a holiday house by a water body; your mind is blown, right?

Water sustains the body, brain, and soul.

We enjoy a swim at the beach, boating on lakes, fishing in rivers as well as snorkeling in the ocean. These waters not only enable us to engage in fun activities, but also provide us with water to drink and fish to eat.

With this in mind, we should be on the forefront of eradicating ignorance that hurts our ponds.

Poisons of Water

• Chemicals from washing your vehicle in the driveway negatively affect swimming territories due to pollution that can cause skin irritation.

• Nutrients from grass and leaves, pet waste, and manures “enhance” our lakes and rivers. The nutrients side effect is, in turn, to thrive hyacinths and algae, thereby harming fish.

• Soil can likewise be washed into water bodies by a torrential downpour, thus diminishing the purity of water and harming fish.

• Waste that originates from our sinks, showers, and latrine sewage unconsciously dirty water, making it unfit for fish to flourish.

• Commercial, mechanical, and agricultural exercises cause adverse mischief to our waters when waste is coordinated into conduits.

Humankind and Water

Besides the elements that use water as a habitat being at risk, humankind too is at risk. No one can survive without water.

Contaminated water poses health issues to human health. This is brought about by waterborne pathogens from human and animal waste that cause diseases such as cholera and typhoid.

It is essential to note that water is highly vulnerable to contamination since most substances disintegrate on it. It, therefore, gets so effectively dirtied, making it almost impossible to get fresh drinking water from ponds.

Lastly, water is life; preserve It!